نسرين طافش تتصدر جوجل بعد منعها من السفر بمصر.. وقرار من النائب العام ديربي إسكندرية.. شاهد مباراة الاتحاد وسموحة في الدوري المصري توتنهام يتصدر جوجل قبل المباراة المصيرية مع مانشستر سيتي الليلة بتوجيه من مدبولي.. حملات ترويجية مصرية لسياحة اليخوت عالميا جاءت قبل موعدها بعام.. تفاصيل العاصفة الشمسية التي تضرب الأرض أستاذ أمراض: 9% من المصريين مصابين بأنيميا البحر المتوسط.. وهذه خطورته أرصاد مصر: ارتفاع تدريجي لدرجات الحرارة بداية من الجمعة المقبلة (بذرة التين المقدس) ومعركة (كان) السياسية!!
Business Middle East - Mebusiness

Rasha Sharif

Morning Chatter – I Haven’t Changed

I haven’t changed, and I won’t change. This is my firm decision that I've made in my life. I'm still the same person I've always been... I still believe in love, happiness, and goodness... However, I’ve learned to be more realistic... I've learned to protect myself from pain, to be more

Morning Musings - Beware of the Fickleness of Hearts

Humans, by nature, are emotional beings. God has blessed us by creating us in the best of forms, harmoniously emotional and rational. Within our bodies, God has given us hearts that can often dominate and control, sometimes overpoweringly so. It's said that the greatest wisdom about the heart is, "Those whose hearts rule over their

Morning Musings – Pains of Criticism and Blame

Among the ugliest and hardest relationship destroyers are the frequent criticisms and blames. These usually have a hard impact on the spirit and the mind due to the pain, frustration, and often, a sense of despair they cause, whether the criticism is directed at behavior, appearance, or even ideas and opinions. All are criticism... Our

Morning Musings – A Person is a Result of His Thoughts and Contemplations

Human beings are complex creatures consisting of many factors that influence their personality and behavior. Among these factors are the thoughts one pursues and the contemplations one spends with oneself. If we look at history, the most famous personalities who left their mark on the world were those who had a deep mindset and were able to

Morning Musings - Words

Words have a power that's fearless, and a magic that's unbeatable. They are a precise scale that can kill or bring to life, a remedy and a disease, rain and arrows. Words are eternal; they never die. They have a majesty that can plummet you into the deepest trenches or elevate you to the highest heavens. Words have the astonishment

Morning Chatters – My Coffee

Nothing is as it was... My cup of coffee is no longer the source of happiness that I would wait for from night to morning to revel in the meaning of peace and tranquility. Its aroma no longer has the joy that once tickled my senses with love and passion... It no longer has that magical effect, capable of always awakening me, despite that